Your First Baby Swim Class: Tips For Parents!

As teachers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that both the parent and child feel welcome, comfortable, and at ease. Parents have to be relaxed in this new environment as babies feed off their energy and can sense apprehension and uncertainties. Make sure the parent feels comfortable in your class and set them up for success! Explain the activities clearly and how they are to be carried out properly so that they gain confidence.

Here are a few easy to follow tips to give to parents:

  • When in the water—RELAX! Children can sense when you’re feeling tense. So it is important to encourage the parents to smile, laugh and maintain a positive tone with their voice so that they are projecting positive energy for their child at all times. This helps their child associate water with positivity.
  • Give your child your full attention when in the water. This is top quality bonding time!
  • Be sure your child is not tired or hungry when it’s lesson time.
  • Children’s water skills will all vary due to physical development, balance and coordination. It is very important not to compare your child’s progress with others. Be animated, smile and give your child lots of praise!
  • Remember to keep your body low in the water, always down to your shoulders and have your face in line with your child’s to maintain a good eye to eye contact at all times. It is important to always see were the child’s mouth is in relation to the water.

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